About Us


We can protect the future by rediscovering the past 

We all need to see what’s lying on the table right in front of us: The flawed industrialized agricultural system in our broken world has fuelled the pursuit of cheap, fast, mass-produced food. The leftovers have a bitter aftertaste: while the planet struggles with soil and water degradation, climate change, pollution, and the devastation of natural ecosystems, people have unprecedented levels of diet-related disease, malnutrition, and obesity.   

But there is hope. Beyond that broken system is a growing community of farmers who aim to work with nature, instead of against it. Not content with just “organic”, these farmers are working hard to return to holistic, pre-industrial agricultural methods. 

Hands working in regenerative soil

In doing so, they’re developing farms that are self-sustaining ecosystems, in which all living things can naturally thrive.   

We’re here to recognize and certify those farms. In doing so, we can help transform our food system for the benefit of the whole planet.


Agriculture Beyond Organic Verification

ABOV was formed in 2017 to recognize and certify farms using regenerative farming methods. As a non-profit organization, we’ve been working with farmers biodiversity to restore ecosystem health for long-term sustainability. 

All farms certified as ABOV must already be certified organic, and promote additional steps to restore soil health, minimize inputs, and protect the environment. Regenerative practices recognized by ABOV include composting, cover cropping, crop rotation, no or low till, water conservation and wetland restoration, wildlife and insect habitat preservation, and livestock integration.  


Regenerative farming is a positive force for change

Assortment of fresh leaves

Recognizing a difference

Farming is a noble calling. It requires considerable resources, skill, knowledge, and dedication. But the numbers do not always add up: farmers face soaring production costs and dwindling incomes. Many are not being fairly recognized for their hard work. ABOV is here to help. We’re providing recognition and guidance to farmers who are committed to better farming.  

Our goal is to protect the integrity of regenerative agriculture without stifling farm resources through bureaucratic hyper-regulation. It’s time we all acknowledge and give support to those who do their utmost to farm regeneratively The future won’t wait, and neither should we. 


Nurtured by nature

ABOV was founded by a collaborative group of farmers, scientists, and natural health experts who believe the earth deserves better. Exploring farms is always an adventure: nature never fails to instruct, fascinate, educate, and nurture us. 

We’re guided by a philosophy that seeks harmony with the natural world, and so (naturally) we’re proud to champion the work of regenerative farmers who have cultivated the same values. Working together, we can take positive steps in transforming our food system and building a lasting legacy for future generations.

What ABOV Certification Means

Farms certified as ABOV are making a commitment to long-term improvement. Improvement in agriculture is an iterative process: feedback helps determine what you can adjust and refine in your methodology.

Farmer walking the fields

Recognizing Your Commitments

ABOV recognizes and certifies farms that have made commitments to regenerative farming methods and have put them into practice. These farms go beyond their organic certification to naturally promote nutrient dense soil, carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, and sustainable resource management.  

Products with the ABOV mark indicate that its ingredients were sourced from ABOV-certified farms; the food produced by these farms came from people who are taking active steps to revitalize the natural world around us. Consumers who choose to support ABOV-certified farms, then, can rest assured that their support contributes to a healthier planet. View our verification standards »

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