Additional Resources Books about regenerative agriculture worth reading: Kiss the Groundby Josh Tickell The End of Foodby Thomas F. Pawlick Farming on the Wild Sideby Nancy J. Hayden and John P. Hayden Dirt to Soilby Gabe Brown The Ecological Farmby Helen Atthowe Holistic Homesteadingby Roxanne Ahern Books about permaculture and the regenerative lifestyle: The Bio-integrated Farmby Shawn Jadrnicek Permacultureby David Holmgren Miraculous Abundanceby Perrine Herve-Gruyer The Sustainable Homesteadby Angela Ferraro-Fanning The Regenerative Gardenby Stephanie Rose Films on regenerative agriculture and permaculture: The Biggest Little Farmdirected by John Chester Kiss the Grounddirected by Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell Common Grounddirected by Joshua Tickell and Rebecca Harrell Tickell For kids: The Little Regenerative Farmerby Lauren Lovejoy